Bob is the image of evil we hold up to stave off the realization that evil is not just something we can attribute to scary villains: call it the banality of evil, if you will. Just think about it from a purely visual perspective: Bob looks like what many people envision when they think of rapists/murderers, even though there are countless people who look just like Leland and live just like him (seemingly clean-cut, handsome, successful, well-off, etc.) that are committing heinous acts. Bob is just a character in a story we tell ourselves about evil. Part 8 of the Return makes that clear, the conversation between Albert, Coop, and Truman in S1 about Bob/Leland makes that clear, and even the over-the-top comic book stylings of Part 17 in the Return make that clear. He's just a stand-in for the incomprehensible evil that humans do to each other and experience done unto themselves. "Bob" as an actual demon with agency never existed. But this is just my rough theory anyway.ĭad has been molesting her, but the existence of "Bob" as a figment of her imagination/coping mechanism no longer exists. The only thing that doesn't make sense I guess is that if Laura wakes up in 1989, technically BOB was still infesting Leland. Essentially, Cooper had to lock the entirety of the black lodge / BOB evil saga inside of Laura's dream in order to make it not exist. Laura's dream is Cooper's reality, and since Cooper's reality is the one in which BOB is destroyed, BOB is forever destroyed since that is contained in Laura's dream.
The timeline is strange, but I have a theory that he's trying to link the future (BOB destroyed) and the past (Laura, the protector, is saved) and that can only be done through a dream. Why else would Cooper care about saving Laura? Why wouldn't he save the other girls also killed by BOB? Why is specifically Laura the only important one to save? I think it's because she's the only one who can keep Judy away from the real world. The moaning that was going on through that scene I think is indicative that Sarah / Judy is frustrated that she can't get rid of Laura, that maybe Laura's existence is the way to keep Judy away from the real world. IMO I think that was meant to symbolize that Judy wants Laura dead by any means, but realizes that she's still alive.